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Resources for Pastor Nominating Committees

Understanding the Process

PoSF Call Process.pdf
Outlines the different call process options used in the Presbytery

On Calling a Pastor
"On Calling a Pastor" is the main resource for PNCs.  The website includes the full document as well as associated videos and supplemental materials.

Understanding Financial Responsibility of Calls
Examples of the total cost for various Terms of Call in the Presbytery

So You've Been Elected to the Pastor Nominating Committee
A PNC handbook from the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia

Interim/Transitional Ministry Resource
Tips for preparing for an Interim/Transitional Pastor

Transitional/Temporary Pastor Contract
Sample contract for temporary pastoral positions

Mission Studies and the MDP (formerly MIF)

Resources for Research & Surveys of Congregations
Studying Congregations- Examples and Suggestions for QuestionairesThe Search Process

Guides to Church Leadership Connection
Ministry Discernment Profile blank form
CLC Login Page

2025 Fair Compensation Guidelines.pdf

The Search

CLC Search process.pdf
Outlines different options for how the PNC interacts with CLC and the Presbytery

Church Leadership Connection Login Page

Sample Interview Evaluation Form.pdf

Call and Installation

INITIAL Terms of Call

Living By the Gospel
Board of Pensions Resource on structuring terms of Call

Installation Prep packet.doc
Installation Moderator Packet.doc

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Presbytery of Santa Fe

217 Locust St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102-3633

(505) 345-5657

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