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Folder Synod of the Southwest

PWS gathering

Synod of the Southwest Presbyterian Women's Gathering

October 4-6, 2019 - "Welcoming the Stranger"

The Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Southwest will be gathering at the Redemptorist Renewal Center, 7101 West Picture Rocks Road, Tucson, AZ 85743-9645 October 4th through 6th. 

Registration deadline: August 15, 2019. Questions: Contact Susan Keil-Smith at  or by calling 505 688-0919. Download and return the PWS Gathering Registration Form

The theme for the Gathering is "Welcoming the Stranger" based on Isaiah 58:7:   "It is not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood." Among the presenters are:

  • Joy Durrant, Vice Moderator for Justice and Peace Concerns for PW PC(USA) will be the plenary speaker.
  • Conrad Rocha, Synod Executive of the Synod of the Southwest will address the Doctrine of Discovery.
  • Leslie Vogel, PC (USA) Mission Co-Worker to Guatemala and Mexico will provide information about Presbyterian work in Central America...
  • Frontera de Cristo representatives will present on the PC(USA) Border Ministries work.
  • Carol Main from Sun City West, Arizona, representing the Synod of the Southwest to the USA Mission Experience in the Finger Lakes Region of New York in July, will share her experiences.
Susan Smith of Santa Fe Presbytery will be installed as Moderator Elect for PW of the Synod of the Southwest at the October Gathering. Bonnie Thompson from Tucson is the current Moderator.


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